The Benefits of Kosher Salt

kosher salt

The Benefits of Kosher Salt

Kosher salt (shechita) is the salt most commonly found on table salt or sea salt. Technically, any salty vegetable can be called kosher if it is manufactured under kosher supervision. But kosher salt has nothing whatsoever to do with the strict kosher dietary laws practiced by Jewish people. Rather, kosher salt benefits most people simply because it is the simplest salt you will find anywhere.

You have probably noticed that kosher salt is no different from regular table salt when it comes to its effect on the body. It is very similar in many ways: it tastes good, has little to no calories and contains the essential trace minerals your body needs. Its color is usually white, although it can be pink, gray or even brown. And it has a slightly coarse texture that makes it ideal for grilling, stir frying and baking. Basically, kosher salt makes cooking a breeze!

The main differences between kosher and regular table salt are its color, texture and mineral content. Regular table salt is indeed refined, meaning it is made by removing the impurities from the natural salt mined from rocks. During this process, the sodium and magnesium in the rock are removed, and the amount of potassium also decreases. By removing these essential minerals, table salt can lose all of its original flavor. On the other hand, refined salt is simply made by removing whatever is left of the minerals in the earth’s surface which had originally been there when the salt was formed millions of years ago.

This is not the only reason why kosher salt is better than ordinary table salt. In fact, it tastes much better as well. Natural table salt tends to retain a salty taste from the ocean and rain when it comes into contact with air. This causes it to have a dry, stale taste. However, kosher salt retains a more salty taste because of the small amount of minerals still present in it.

Kosher salt is also very rich in minerals, which makes it great for seasoning foods, juicing, cooking and even adding as a key ingredient to desserts. Unlike regular table salt which lacks taste, kosher salt brings a distinct taste to whatever you are eating. Some people may think this is due to the excessive amount of iron incorporated in the salt, but actually, the mineral content allows for different tastes to be derived.

Another great reason to use kosher salt is because it maintains moisture longer than regular table salt does. Most of us do not buy dehydrated sea salt on a regular basis, so it is not something we often see on store shelves. Instead, most of us opt for regular table salt to season meat. But, regular table salt loses moisture quickly once exposed to air, while kosher salt retains its moisture for up to 12 hours after being placed in a closed container.

The trace minerals found in kosher salt helps to improve the texture and flavor of many foods. Sea salt and kosher salt have been used as an additive to many cuisines because of their unique flavor. Salt is essential in making certain types of riceake breads, cheeses, shishas, tomato sauces and soups.

Kosher salt also has its benefits in preserving food for longer periods of time. It will keep for up to two years if kept in a dark place and locked away in its own container. Also, sea salt contains trace amounts of zinc, magnesium, calcium and iodine, which are important to human health. With all the trace amounts of minerals, it is no wonder that kosher salt finds itself becoming one of the preferred salts in the kosher food market. Salt offers health conscious consumers new choices for seasoning and preparing their meals.