Organic Hemp And Its Possibilities

Hemp is the name of the Cannabis plant. It is a durable and soft fiber. Hemp has been growing for many years for medicines, textiles, paper, biodegradable plastics, fuel, health food, and building materials. You can now also buy hemp oil commodities online.

Hemp has also been used extensively in World War II uniforms, canvas, rope and more. It is important to note that the US imports more hemp from other countries.

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The government, however, did not distinguish the difference between marijuana and the non-psychoactive Cannabis used for industrial purposes; therefore it is now legal in most of the places in the world.

Industrial hemp contains THC (or delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol) from 0.05% to 1%. Marijuana has a THC from 3% to 20%. While these two plants look similar, a trained eye can easily distinguish between them.

Here is a shortlist of good qualities of organic hemp:

• It can also be used as food, dietary supplements, oils, medicines, jewelry, cosmetics and more. Also, there are no known allergens to organic hemp.

• Hemp fiber is longer, stronger, mold resistant and more absorbent than cotton.

• Hemp is a sustainable crop and can be grown without the use of pesticides, chemicals, herbicides or fungicides.

There are facts that support that hemp is a great product, how it can benefit our country and how better it is for the environment. As the world going back to their roots, this is just one of the topics worthy of mention.