Energy Saving Tips with the help of Proper Insulation of the Attic

batts home insulation

If you wish to save money on monthly bills and use less energy, then proper attic insulation is the way to go. Attic insulation is known to decrease the flow of hot outside air into our homes ensuring our house remains cool by keeping the cool air inside. However, if you do not insulate your house attic carefully, then your house may experience unbearable temperatures leading to overuse of air-conditioners and consume more energy. Therefore, it is important to get the attic of your home insulated properly from a professional which in turn will help you to save money and energy.

A Few Types of Attic Insulation – There are 2 widely used types of attic insulation as follows.

  1. Cellulose Insulation – A great insulation option that requires work on the floors that are unfinished.
  2. Fiberglass Insulation –A great insulation option which is done on the spaces of floor joints and wall studs with the help of different size rolls and sheets. With the use of a knife, the sheet can be cut in different sizes.

Additional Benefits of Attic Insulation.

  1. The roof’s integrity and longevity are preserved for longer duration.
  2. Improvement in the quality of the air inside our homes.
  3. No extra spending for replacing or repairing the roof.
  4. Formation of ice dam gets prevented during the winter.
  5. Improvement in the lifespan of heating and cooling systems.

Attic insulation and home insulation batts should only be carried out by experts and professionals for installation.